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December 01, 2023

A black man #JoshuaEllis brutally murdered his white ex-girlfriend #WendiTraynor after subjecting her to an extremely toxic and abusive relationship, from which she had desperately tried to break free. Now, some “woke” prosecutors #JohnNeeb #DruSwaim
want to offer him a sweet deal because he’s black. Rather than pursuing charges for a “hate crime,” they’re taking a more lenient approach because he’s seen as yet another black man who’s a victim of an allegedly unfair and racist system.
Judge #AndréPeñalver may fold

These people have lost their minds.https://revolver.news/2023/12/woke-prosecutors-push-a-sweet-deal-for-man-who-brutally-murdered-his-white-girlfriend-simply-because-hes-black/

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Oh Boy!
Here comes the Insurrection!
February 04, 2022
Eric Adams



Say what!?

#SeanOBrien, the president of the #Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention #rncconvention in Milwaukee next month, a move that could spell trouble for #joebiden ’s support among blue-collar workers ahead of the November election.



The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV or a welfare agency office.

Rep. #JoeMorelle (D-NY), the lone Democrat signed on


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