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NEW: Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted.
Outrageous lies by Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and DOJ/Jack Smith about "independence" from investigations into Trump. The Biden White House and DOJ wew intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement--it appears the first go-around related to alleged "destruction" of government papers.

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Oh Boy!
Here comes the Insurrection!
February 04, 2022
Eric Adams



It happens more than they report https://abc13.com/post/pelican-island-causeway-barge-hits-bridge-galveston-county-streaming-updates-from-houston-texas/14820281/ GALVESTON COUNTY, #Texas (KTRK) -- A barge hit the #PelicanIslandCauseway Wednesday morning, damaging a portion of the #bridge and causing an oil spill in the bay, according to the #GalvestonCounty Sheriff's Office.

https://nypost.com/2024/05/15/world-news/peru-classifies-trans-intersex-people-as-mentally-ill/ The #PeruvianGovernment has officially classified transgender, nonbinary and intersex people as “mentally ill.” #Peru’s #President #DinaBoluarte signed off on the decree last week.

This is how the Left blames everyone but themselves for all the major problems this country is suffering right now. They created it all. They are knee deep in their own decay, and still can’t see the forest for the trees. So without further adieu, here are the top 8 scapegoats the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem THEY themselves are causing.

****Scapegoat #2. Climate Change (the excuse for mass-illegal-immigration and human trafficking into the USA).

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