This is how the Left blames everyone but themselves for all the major problems this country is suffering right now. They created it all. They are knee deep in their own decay, and still can’t see the forest for the trees. So without further adieu, here are the top 8 scapegoats the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem THEY themselves are causing.
*****Scapegoat #1. Trump and his supporters – anything that’s wrong with anything, including the economy, war, immigration – just blame those “Trumpers” and repeat over and over “Orange Man Bad!”
MAGA Haitian Acknowledges That Some of His Countrymen Definitely Eat Cats
“Video obtained by Real Muckraker shows what has been called a “conspiracy theory,” until now,” the Oversight Project said.
Mexican Man in Phoenix Grocery Store Offers to Register DACA Aliens to Vote (VIDEO)
Bombshell: Union Sends Noncitizens Fliers with Instructions on How to Register to ‘Vote for Harris-Walz’
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft also noted that some noncitizens in the state have been automatically registered to vote in the upcoming election.