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#PopeFrancis: Christians, Jews, Muslims ‘Worship the One God’????? What planet has the pope landed on?
Last I checked
Christians worship #Jesus, God and The Holy Ghost.....Jews and Muslims do not worship Jesus
Jews worship #God
Muslims worship #Allah Christians and Jews do not worship or recognize Allah


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Oh Boy!
Here comes the Insurrection!
February 04, 2022
Eric Adams




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Demons have been unleashed. It is indecent exposure it must be what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like in its last days. This is pornography, and we don’t do this in public in a civilized society. I hate putting it up, but people have to know where these leftists are taking us.
📹 📹 Videos📹 📹 📹 @dbongino

Big win for Trump July 1st 2024 from SCOTUS

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